Hi I've just Purchased a Villa on sec d, and I'm looking for advice on removing 2 palm trees, I was told the garden center would do this? Or is there any local firms which people have used. Thanks
Hi I've just Purchased a Villa on sec d, and I'm looking for advice on removing 2 palm trees, I was told the garden center would do this? Or is there any local firms which people have used. Thanks
The guys at both garden centres will remove the palm trees & dispose of them for you
They have a crane on their lorry for this.
Cost could be around 100 euro each if they are very tall ones.
Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2019 5:31pm
Thanks for that
Just shows how different people’s needs are. I’ve just moved to Camposol and the garden is like a car park ie. just gravel all round! Oh how I would love some established trees!!
Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2019 3:18pm
Super helpful member
Cat why don't you split the cost of the removal of the trees with Michael then pay the garden centre to plant them the same day?
I am sure it will be cheaper than buying new trees
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Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2019 10:59pm
Helpful member
Re Palm tree removal- I've just paid the Garden Centre on Sector B €300 to remove 2 high ones for me. Thought the price was a bit steep until a neighbour told me she had paid €550 to some Brit gardeners last month for same service.I would never recommend anyone to buy these type of tree at all. They are rapid growers, needing pruning of trunks frequently.(not easy) and are very messy with black fruiting seeds and flowery fronds falling all over everything.
Thanks for the information 🙂
Hi, I am a retired tree surgeon, I still have my equipment so I could give you a price if you wish. I'll pm my contact details. Regards, Colin
Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2019 9:01pm
Super helpful member
It would depend on the type of palm trees. They all do not all fruit and create a mess sounds like you have date palms which in any environment can be a pain.
We used the garden centre on b and they were quick and efficient plus a reasonable price
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