To be frank I can no longer take ANY politician seriously.
Labour still have Diane Abbott in their cabinet. Really?
Mogg is without doubt the most informed politician I have heard speak.
He never appears to be stumped by any question and knows his trade inside out
Anyone who tries to argue with him usually fails miserably.
Unfortunately he is so enslaved to his God that some of his decisions are bound to be influenced by his beliefs.
Johnson is as capable as any of the clowns in parliament.
He speaks his mind (most agree with him on the quiet) and for me it's about time we had a 'leader' that does.
If he got in it would shake things up, just like Trump in the States. That was a great result. Not because I think he's a great president but it sure caused a rumble.
Davies did the right thing and walked away from what has become a farce.
So for me, give any of them a go (they surely can't do any worse?) and the other two should be in the cabinet
Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 10:29pm
This post that was quoted has been deleted.
I've lived here in Ireland for the best part of 46 years and have no recollection of such a vote taking place. Can you give me some more information about this please?
Also is there not an irony here where expats who have moved to Spain want the UK out of the EU? For all the EUs' faults, if the UK were not part of this EU, you can be sure it would have been much more difficult make that move to Spain.
What will happen if for example after March 29 2019 EU countries decide they will no longer allow UK citizens live there? What if there is a retrospective ban on UK citizens in Spain? Have a look at the run on passports here in Ireland from people with an Irish parent / grandparent. That should tell everyone that there is a real fear about this.
For me im gonna hold off buying property in Spain for a least another year. I believe it will be a completely different market then.
Then their economy would suffer more than it is now.
Banning Brits isn't going to happen,
We generally add to a countries economy unlike many immigrants in the UK, hence the mess.
Dugman wrote on Sat Sep 22, 2018 10:29pm:
I've lived here in Ireland for the best part of 46 years and have no recollection of such a vote taking place. Can you give me some more information about this please?
Also is there not an irony here where expats who have moved to Spain want the UK out of the EU? For all the EUs' faults, if the UK were not part of this EU, you can be sure it would have been much more difficult make that move to Spain. ...
What will happen if for example after March 29 2019 EU countries decide they will no longer allow UK citizens live there? What if there is a retrospective ban on UK citizens in Spain? Have a look at the run on passports here in Ireland from people with an Irish parent / grandparent. That should tell everyone that there is a real fear about this.
For me im gonna hold off buying property in Spain for a least another year. I believe it will be a completely different market then.
No more Irish here please lol
Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 2:14am
Super helpful member
Without the Brit's.. the EU will fail ..the British tax payers have bailed out southern Ireland and the EU in the passed and will surely be asked to bail out the Incompetent EU countries again when we are no longer classed as EU citizens.
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This post that was quoted has been deleted.
Ireland never voted on EU membership!!
They voted on Lisbon & Maastricht Treaties, which they had to do under their Constitution. Other countries didn't have to. If you can come up with facts to back your argument, I'd be interested. People could actually believe that kind of misinformation.
17mill out of 65mill British voted for Brexit, mostly for racist reasons, to get rid of immigrants.
It's ironic to hear immigrants in Spain pushing this line. They should be more worried about the falling value of the pound v euro and the cost of living both in the UK and Spain and the damage to the British economy, food & medicine supplies etc. caused by the madness of Brexit.
Ex-pats have got no guarantees on their existing benefits, medical, pensions, etc. having moved to an EU country.
Please read some factual stuff, not the blind imperialistic rhetoric of the Leavers, whose only argument is getting back their Sovereignty at the expense of a depressed economy.
Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 12:42pm
frequent flyer wrote on Sun Sep 23, 2018 2:14am:
Without the Brit's.. the EU will fail ..the British tax payers have bailed out southern Ireland and the EU in the passed and will surely be asked to bail out the Incompetent EU countries again when we are no longer classed as EU citizens.
The Brits (and the other EU countries) bailed out our banks and bond holders with thanks to successive incompetent Irish governments. These loans will and are being back at high interest rates. I'll be paying these extra taxes until I retire and will never see anything for it.
Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 12:44pm
Lewie wrote on Sat Sep 22, 2018 11:21pm:
Then their economy would suffer more than it is now.
Banning Brits isn't going to happen,
We generally add to a countries economy unlike many immigrants in the UK, hence the mess.
People contribute in more ways than just in financial terms. The UK will see a massive shortage of doctors and nurses once Brexit is in place. It's tough here in Ireland at the moment to cover such roles, and thats with our open borders.
Sean95 wrote on Sun Sep 23, 2018 9:11am:
Ireland never voted on EU membership!!
They voted on Lisbon & Maastricht Treaties, which they had to do under their Constitution. Other countries didn't have to. If you can come up with facts to back your argument, I'd be interested. People could actually believe that kind of misinformation. ...
17mill out of 65mill British voted for Brexit, mostly for racist reasons, to get rid of immigrants.
It's ironic to hear immigrants in Spain pushing this line. They should be more worried about the falling value of the pound v euro and the cost of living both in the UK and Spain and the damage to the British economy, food & medicine supplies etc. caused by the madness of Brexit.
Ex-pats have got no guarantees on their existing benefits, medical, pensions, etc. having moved to an EU country.
Please read some factual stuff, not the blind imperialistic rhetoric of the Leavers, whose only argument is getting back their Sovereignty at the expense of a depressed economy.
Sure the Irish voted on Lisbon treaty via a referendum ,then voted again till the eu got the answer they wanted .So referendum by its constitution is democracy ? As the saying goes "you better have long arms if you sup with the devil "I've heard this mantra "if you voted to leave you are rascist "it's a load of tosh ,used by remainders the question is simple to the uk and European countries do you want the whole of the African Middle East countries to settle in Europe? All our social ,health ,education can't cope in the uk at present so more Immigration on a country that will be 70million by the end of the next decade isn't going to help .and that's common sence realty ?I voted to remain, but seeing all this bullying and spite from the eu unelected some drunk officials I'd vote to leave .Niger Farrage was right "we are the first to go and won't be the last "
Lewie wrote on Fri Sep 21, 2018 1:10pm:
I voted leave too.
The EU cannot let us go, we are too big a contributor, the third largest after Germany and France.
It's not a case of bullying, it's sheer desperation.
If they don't make a big hoo haa about it and we come up smelling of roses then others will without doubt follow (the...Read more...
...y may do anyway, the collapse of the EU is inevitable).
The undemocratic politicians that want us to keep voting until we make the 'right' decision are pointing out how difficult it is to get a good deal.
I didn't vote for a deal, I voted to leave the EU in it's entirety not pay billions extra as a bribe to allow us to keep trading with them.
We never voted to join in the first place, who do these clowns think they are?
If we remain in any way shape or form I will never vote for anything again. It shows how pointless it really is.
We get told voting is the only way to ensure change. That's only true in a democratic country.
The EU can't stop you leaving. Brits looking to keep some of the better benefits of being in the EU. i.e. a good "deal"! Just walk away... The EU is not responsible for you anymore. Voting Leave assumes you can take care of yourselves without the EU.
By the way there are Irish in Camposol too. Frequently Flyer stirred a hornets nest by saying we voted 3 times on leaving EU!!! Otherwise we're dead happy. :)
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