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Are the EU negotiators a bunch of bullies - Page 3

frequent flyer

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 1:33pm

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Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 1:33pm

Ivor99 wrote on Sun Sep 23, 2018 1:20pm:

Sure the Irish voted on Lisbon treaty via a referendum ,then voted again till the eu got the answer  they wanted .So referendum by its constitution is democracy ? As the saying goes "you better have long arms if you sup with the devil "I've heard this mantra "if you voted to leave you are ra...

...scist "it's a load of tosh ,used by remainders the question is simple to the uk and European countries do you want the whole of the African Middle East countries to settle in Europe? All our social ,health ,education can't cope in the uk at present so more Immigration on a country that will be 70million by the end of the next decade isn't going to help .and that's common sence realty ?I voted to remain, but seeing all this bullying and spite from the eu unelected some drunk officials I'd vote to leave .Niger Farrage was right "we are the first to go and won't be the last "

You can call the Irish vote what ever you like ...Treaty and so on ...if the Irish failed to accept the EU proposals they would have been kicked out of the EU...I can also remember when 3 bus loads of Eastern Europeans got frog march out of Ireland around 3 year's much for the Lisbon treaty ...and open borders...I wish the UK had the Ball's to do that.

Vista 70

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 1:58pm

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Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 1:58pm

I wondered how long it would be before the racist card was played. Sean95. That is simply not true of the vast majority of leave voters. I concede there will be an element that will carry those views but I CERTAINLY don't and to suggest otherwise is offensive to me. I voted for CONTROL of the borders and sovereignty. There are few enough jobs for our own people, why allow uncontrolled labour to flood in. That's not "racist" it's common sense. I hear again and again "well these immigrants will do the work you Brits won't". I say get brits off their backsides, stop giving huge amounts in benefits making it attractive to lay about all day and MAKE THEM WORK.

There is a comment about the Irish treaty, how many "democratic" votes did they have before it was carried forward...... Yes, the E.U. is all about democracy when it's in their favour. As for a shortage of doctors/nurses, the problem began way before Brexit due to the very low pay and conditions. The money saved by not paying exorbitant amounts to Brussels will allow us to train the people of this country to fill those roles. I also wonder, as I'm sure many of you do, how on earth did we manage BEFORE being tricked into the E.U. We mustn't have been able to feed our masses or make them well with medicines, oh! and transport. Are we unable to produce vehicles in the British Isles... I've just returned from Spain and drove through all of Spain and France. On the journey the only lorries I saw were foreign, French/German/Polish and Swiss, not one British wagon. It was also the case from the tunnel, all foreign lorries making their way to deliver their goods, not many British. So I ask, WHO DEPENDS ON WHO....


Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 2:18pm


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Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 2:18pm

frequent flyer wrote on Sun Sep 23, 2018 1:33pm:

You can call the Irish vote what ever you like ...Treaty and so on ...if the Irish failed to accept the EU proposals they would have been kicked out of the EU...I can also remember when 3 bus loads of Eastern Europeans got frog march out of Ireland around 3 year's much for the Lisbon tre...

...aty ...and open borders...I wish the UK had the Ball's to do that.

The Irish rejected Lisbon, renegotiated a better deal, then accepted it. That's democracy! 

Besides, people change their minds between General elections. That's the way politics works. There is alot more information available than when vote took place. Makes sense to vote again when voters are better informed. 


Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 2:31pm

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Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 2:31pm

I find it hard to understand people living in,or have property in Spain,who voted to leave.I cannot see how you will benefit from this.Please do enlighten me.


Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 4:01pm

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Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 4:01pm

Dugman wrote on Sat Sep 22, 2018 10:29pm:

I've lived here in Ireland for the best part of 46 years and have no recollection of such a vote taking place. Can you give me some more information about this please? 

Also is there not an irony here where expats who have moved to Spain want the UK out of the EU? For all the EUs' faults, if the UK were not part of this EU, you can be sure it would have been much more difficult make that move to Spain. ...


What will happen if for example after March 29 2019 EU countries decide they will no longer allow UK citizens live there? What if there is a retrospective ban on UK citizens in Spain? Have a look at the run on passports here in Ireland from people with an Irish parent / grandparent. That should tell everyone that there is a real fear about this. 

For me im gonna hold off buying property in Spain for a least another year. I believe it will be a completely different market then. 

Wrong quote, stupid me, I think

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Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 4:06pm


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Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 4:06pm

Ivor99 wrote on Sun Sep 23, 2018 1:20pm:

Sure the Irish voted on Lisbon treaty via a referendum ,then voted again till the eu got the answer  they wanted .So referendum by its constitution is democracy ? As the saying goes "you better have long arms if you sup with the devil "I've heard this mantra "if you voted to leave you are ra...

...scist "it's a load of tosh ,used by remainders the question is simple to the uk and European countries do you want the whole of the African Middle East countries to settle in Europe? All our social ,health ,education can't cope in the uk at present so more Immigration on a country that will be 70million by the end of the next decade isn't going to help .and that's common sence realty ?I voted to remain, but seeing all this bullying and spite from the eu unelected some drunk officials I'd vote to leave .Niger Farrage was right "we are the first to go and won't be the last "

Sorry frequent flyer, I must repeat: The Irish rejected Lisbon first time, then voted for it when they got the deal they wanted. Don't rewrite history! 


Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 4:36pm

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Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 4:36pm

Sean95 wrote on Sun Sep 23, 2018 9:11am:

Ireland never voted on EU membership!!

They voted on Lisbon & Maastricht Treaties, which they had to do under their Constitution. Other countries didn't have to. If you can come up with facts to back your argument, I'd be interested. People could actually believe that kind of misinformation. ...


17mill out of 65mill British voted for Brexit, mostly for racist reasons, to get rid of immigrants. 

It's ironic to hear immigrants in Spain pushing this line. They should be more worried about the falling value of the pound v euro and the cost of living both in the UK and Spain and the damage to the British economy, food & medicine supplies etc. caused by the madness of Brexit. 

Ex-pats have got no guarantees on their existing benefits, medical, pensions, etc. having moved to an EU country. 

Please read some factual stuff, not the blind imperialistic rhetoric of the Leavers, whose only argument is getting back their Sovereignty at the expense of a depressed economy. 


Your second paragraph asks for facts and you state that people could believe misinformation.
You then go on to quote false facts and figures yourself?
17,410,742 voted to leave. You ignored 410,742 people's wishes, just as the politicians are doing.
You quoted 65 million?
That includes children, prisoners and those not legible to vote.
You claim most voted for 'racist' reasons.
Unless you have questioned every leave voter you have made yet another false statement.
Then you try to make immigration a race issue.
You need to look up the definition of a racist.
I take it you wouldn't mind immigrants walking into your home and helping themselves to your hard earned money?
Of course not, in your eyes that would make you a racist.


Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 5:19pm

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Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 5:19pm

Lewie wrote on Fri Sep 21, 2018 8:28pm:

Hi Ginger

You didn't vote not to join the EU in the 70's, you voted not to join the common market, a very different thing.
We have been dragged into this mess for many years and it just gets worse as time goes by.
We, the funders of these greedy crooks, have had enough.
As for plan B, they've had ...

...plenty of time to sort out a no deal exit, which is what it should be.
May is a remainer, she made David Davies's position untenable.
She has a chancellor who is a remainer.
Davies, Mogg or Johnson should be leader,.May is a pathetic lapdog (unless she is putting on an act and she intended to walk away without a deal from the start). An Oscar is coming her way if so. :-)

"We, the funders of these greedy crooks, have had enough."

What a great line! Succinct and spot on.

Vista 70

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 6:05pm

Vista 70

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Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 6:05pm

gorcol wrote on Sun Sep 23, 2018 2:31pm:

I find it hard to understand people living in,or have property in Spain,who voted to leave.I cannot see how you will benefit from this.Please do enlighten me.

gorcol, I shall do my best to explain why I own a holiday home in Spain AND voted for a clean Brexit. I, or rather we, have owned a holiday home in Spain for a number of years. We have happily integrated where we could with the local people and other Brits there. It's an easy couple of hours travel time to the sun and relaxation and I truly hope to be able to retire properly there. I cannot see the Spanish government forcing ALL Brits out of Spain and abandon either their permanent residences or holiday property. What do you think that would do to the economy. Never mind the backlash toward Spaniards or indeed any other nationality living here in the U.K. Should we do the same and expel all European citizens from the U.K.  Do you honestly believe such a thing could happen when we exit. With a clean break from the bureaucrats and bullies of Brussels we will be able to decide on who comes here for work, decide on our own laws and give so much back to the fishing industry that was devastated by the E.U. We can negotiate a good trade deal for us and put the great back into Great Britain. The vote wasn't to leave and abandon Europe, just the principal of one UNELECTED body deciding our fate. One who would organise a united army, Isn't that what happened in 1939/1945 when someone had the brainwave to have a united Europe...... I believe that once the U.K. finally depart from these idiots that want to hold the world to ransom, there will be others whose economy has been devastated by the euro that will line up to do the same.


Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 7:00pm

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Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 7:00pm

The expat remain supporters seem to have a misguided image of what the Europeans think of them. You are foreigners in a foreign country and as such unimportant. What have the politicians done for the property owners on Camposol? Nothing - you are of no political importance and treated as a thorn in their side. Each for their own in the corrupt EU.

I  owned property in Cape before Spain was in EU.Any difference now? Yes they squeeze every bit of tax out of you controlled EU citizens now and make every effort to be obstructive. Being an EU citizen or  British property owner will make no difference. It will still be UK Government protecting you in your old age. Don't worry about Brexit.

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