frequent flyer wrote on Sun Aug 18, 2019 6:51pm:
Today they come from Albania.. tomorrow they will be called Europeans from EU... with the right to supppppp the resources dry of any country within the EU .
There is no evidence to suggest that the peoples of any EU country sup (presumably suck?) the resources of another EU country dry, so it is unlikely to occur with Albanians (incidentally Albanian is an EU candidate country, but is not the next in line to join). Not only do EU citizens in UK contribute more per head to UK than UK citizens but they also contribute more to the UK than they draw from UK. though interestingly, between 1995 and 2001, the reverse was the case with regard to non-EEA citizens, but this reverse blip will not be ironed out by Brexit.
Worldwide evidence is that immigrants make host countries richer (economically and culturally) as immigrants want to come to work and better themselves. No doubt there are some welfare tourists among immigrants, but the host country has many ways to deal with welfare fraud or abuse. There are several allowable reasons for EU countries to expel EU citizens of other EU countries, one of which is welfare fraud and or over reliance on welfare after 3 months.
The UK generally chose not to expel EU citizens for welfare related reasons to date- whereas Belgium and others do - and while that may change, it can already occur before Brexit, so its not, on its own, a good reason for Brexit. In any event non-EU net immigration to UK is consistently higher than EU immigration to UK for many many years. so whatever problems you perceive in UK, they are unlikely to be rectified by restricting EU immigration.
I include links so you can verify or challenge what I cite. I don't expect you to take my word for my statements as you seem to expect others to take yours.
Choose to leave the EU, and indeed leave the EU, by all means, but do so for actual real reasons, not for myths or personal prejudices.
Not directly related to your racial prejudiced views, but when bombs go off in the UK (such as already occurred Jan 2019 and again yesterday - both of which are probably practice runs) and if UK citizens are killed on the streets of the UK, then you may well ask "what are the EU doing about it?". I hope it doesn't come to bombs, death and or a repeat of the past, but the chances of that are about equal to a no-deal Brexit, ie fairly high.