I thought I would post our recent residencia process.
We obtained padron from the town hall 1st. We then went to the registry office with padron and other documents to obtain a notra simpla as deeds are not acceptable. Our residencia application was then submitted to murcia with all relevant paperwork including every copy of our passport pages, proof of €9400 in our Spanish bank account and annual health care that is suitable to obtain residencia. We went with Asssa and cost was just over 1700 for us both but this depends on your age and medical conditions.
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Our residencia application was submitted in July and was approved in September.
We have just been to the police station to have our finger prints taken and will receive our cards in about 40 days.
We did not have to proof an income or what we had in our UK bank account.
Each individuals circumstances differ. I strongly advise using a translator. We used Fiona at [email protected] and she has been outstanding.
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