Having read and listened so much about Brexit and the European laws relating to the UK leaving the EU, I understand that either a deal or no deal means as a non resident ( we own a small property in Isla Plana) you are only legally allowed to stay in Spain, or anywhere else in Europe, for 90 days in every 180 days.
This appears to mean we are allowed to stay 90 days in Spain (or Europe) then must return to the UK for at least the next 90 days (or other non EU country) then are allowed back to Spain for a further 90 days maximum in a calendar year.
As we normally visit during April/MayJune then back in the Uk for July/August returning in September this won’t be 90 days out of Europe. Will we have to amend our travel plans?
How do long term rental non residents follow these laws?
All opinions gratefully read. Thanks Jaz