Address change on TIE
I need to change the address on my TIE card as it still has my old address of Calasparra on it. Can it be done locally or does it need to be a trip to Cartaegna?
I need to change the address on my TIE card as it still has my old address of Calasparra on it. Can it be done locally or does it need to be a trip to Cartaegna?
Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2024 1:15am
Very helpful member
Katibumble wrote on Mon Jun 10, 2024 9:46pm:
I need to change the address on my TIE card as it still has my old address of Calasparra on it. Can it be done locally or does it need to be a trip to Cartaegna?
It's not necessary to have the actual card updated with your new address. This can be done when the card expires. You do have to update your Padrón though, as it's this that the police can check if they need do. I was told this by one of the officers in the Extranjeros department when I picked up my TIE. As long as the address that they have on file for you is where you are actualy living, then no problem.
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