Sea Fishing
Hello, living in Sucina and my husband wants to start fishing in the new year. He has a license for beach and rock fishing. Can anyone recommend good sea fishing spots in the Med within 45 minutes of Sucina. Many thanks.
Hello, living in Sucina and my husband wants to start fishing in the new year. He has a license for beach and rock fishing. Can anyone recommend good sea fishing spots in the Med within 45 minutes of Sucina. Many thanks.
Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2024 1:27pm
Helpful member
SueSucina wrote on Thu Dec 12, 2024 5:45pm:
Hello, living in Sucina and my husband wants to start fishing in the new year. He has a license for beach and rock fishing. Can anyone recommend good sea fishing spots in the Med within 45 minutes of Sucina. Many thanks.
Hi Sue
I have seen people fishing from the jetty at Cabo de Palos near La Manga. Not sure how good the fishing is but it could be a good starting point and you can peruse the town whilst he is passing time his way lol
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