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Eu treaty rights for Partners of EU citizens Freedom of Movement

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 9:35am
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I hold an EU passport and my wife a UK passport, I want the right to FOM for my wife so I have tried to get these via

My request was

How do I protect my treaty rights to travel freely, with my wife, I hold an Irish Passport, my wife a UK passport? I want to travel (tour) in Europe with my wife, over 90 day, but no more than 90 days in any country, something we have done on several times when the UK was a member of the EU. I will be entering and leaving through the Channel Tunnel, can you please advise me on any documents I need and the process at points of entry and exit. 

All our situations will be different and you should ask your question on that site.

Please word it so that you get a reply on your situation, I know a lot of people have property and want to spend more that 90 days in 180, as I understand Spain require you to register your presence after 90 days in Spain but you may never spend a straight 90 days so providing you do not spend the magic 183 days you are legal.

The reply to my request was very poor in 4 sections

1/ present our reply at point of enter - (Some chance of achieving my rights)

2/ stick to 90 in 180 (Does not do the job)

3 and 4 assumed I was going to be in one country for over 90 days and register presence or apply for residency, both I would think would be illegal as on my question I am not in one country 90 days.

I have required my MP (Irish) to help and I had acknowledgement and now awaiting a reply.

If you are in the situation can you please sent the emails and pursue the matter, it is our rights, there most be 1000's of people in this situation, only by getting all Irish MP's and MEP's involved will we get our rights, This also apples to any other nationality not I think the Irish are most effected.

Please pm me with any information you have or get, I will post of here updates

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