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Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2021 9:23am
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Location: Yecla

Joined: 18 Jun 2020

Sorry if this is a repeat post but I might find it easier having a consolidated reply rather than bits and pieces from several responses :-)

I purchased a property in Spain Jan 2020. This is now on the market and looking to buy another in Xabia.

My partner and I (not married) intend to relocate to Spain asap (selling property in UK). We both have NIE but not residentia.

I am a British passport holder, my partners mother was Irish so might be worth him applying for an Irish dual passport (perhaps that should be my first question as I'm not sure that is possible?).

I understand the 90/180 day rule. 

I am director of a company, which operates online thankfully and my partner works for the company too, both with a salary which I believe should be ok (not entirely sure what the minimum is for visa/residentia). We would both require private health care, which I understand.

So my actual question is, what exactly would I need to do in order for both of us to move to Spain? What would be the easiest and best route for us to take.

And i have read on .gov website that if you purchase a property over 500k euros that you qualify for a 2-yr visa (golden handshake it is referred to as). I need to know if as we are not married would that golden handshake apply to both of us, or only me as purchaser if he is living with me.

I am finding it difficult to get definitive answers even from our Spanish solicitor!

Thanks in advance for any advice!

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2021 11:08am


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Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2021 11:08am

I assume you are British, and that your partner might qualify for an Irish passport.

You are director of a business. Your partner works for that business. 

Dealing with taxes first ...

If the business is more than "sole trader", it might need to stay in the UK and continue to pay corporate tax there.

But you, as a Spanish Resident would need (after a period of time) to pay income tax in Spain on your salary/director's emoluments. 

Your partner, once Resident in Spain, would need to pay income tax in Spain regardless of his passport.

Income tax is generally higher in Spain than in the UK.

I don't know about corporate tax rates, but this would impact on any decision to relocate the business.

So that needs expert advice. Most solicitors are not equipped to deal with this. 

On Residency ...

As you are not married, your applications would be entirely separate.

As Brits, you need employment/entrepreneur visas to come to Spain (with the intention of settling). Once you have these visas, you can come here and apply for Residencia. 

If your partner obtains an Irish passport, his life will be much easier (like it was for Brits pre-Brexit). He comes here, demonstrates that he has an adequate income, healthcare and somewhere to live, then he is granted a Residentia card which gives him the right to work. 

I am afraid that, under each of those points above, there is a heap of detail that will raise more questions. 

This forum will be able to answer some of them. 

In the meantime, here is the consulate link for visas .... Visas (FAQ) (

I'm afraid I have no info on the golden visa.

Best wishes

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2021 11:11am


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Location: Yecla

Joined: 18 Jun 2020

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2021 11:11am

Will60 wrote on Fri Sep 17, 2021 11:08am:

I assume you are British, and that your partner might qualify for an Irish passport.

You are director of a business. Your partner works for that business. 



Dealing with taxes first ...

If the business is more than "sole trader", it might need to stay in the UK and continue to pay corporate tax there.

But you, as a Spanish Resident would need (after a period of time) to pay income tax in Spain on your salary/director's emoluments. 

Your partner, once Resident in Spain, would need to pay income tax in Spain regardless of his passport.

Income tax is generally higher in Spain than in the UK.

I don't know about corporate tax rates, but this would impact on any decision to relocate the business.

So that needs expert advice. Most solicitors are not equipped to deal with this. 

On Residency ...

As you are not married, your applications would be entirely separate.

As Brits, you need employment/entrepreneur visas to come to Spain (with the intention of settling). Once you have these visas, you can come here and apply for Residencia. 

If your partner obtains an Irish passport, his life will be much easier (like it was for Brits pre-Brexit). He comes here, demonstrates that he has an adequate income, healthcare and somewhere to live, then he is granted a Residentia card which gives him the right to work. 

I am afraid that, under each of those points above, there is a heap of detail that will raise more questions. 

This forum will be able to answer some of them. 

In the meantime, here is the consulate link for visas .... Visas (FAQ) (

I'm afraid I have no info on the golden visa.

Best wishes

Thank you, thats really helpful x

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