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Hiring a car & buying a car

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2020 9:22am
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Posts: 13

Joined: 15 Nov 2020

We had difficulty finding somewhere to hire a car in San Pedro eventually using DFM who have now shut their office and Cartagena is closest office.  Any alternatives you can recommend?

Buying a 2nd hand car seems very expensive with high mileages common - any suggestions welcome?

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2020 9:34am


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Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2020 9:34am

These guys have an office in San Pedro.

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 5:52pm


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Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 5:52pm

The used car market in Spain is not as developed as the UK for 2 main reasons:

  1. Company cars are uncommon in Spain (and the rest of Europe), so there are very few ex-fleet cars to hit the market at 3 years old. The exception is ex-rental cars, which commonly are smaller cars with high mileage and not very well maintained.
  2. Spaniards tend to buy a new car and then pass it down through the family and basically run it into the ground after 15-20 years.

You can find 'KM 0' cars or similar, which are the equivalent of the UK's 'ex-demonstrator / delivery mileage only' cars which have generally been pre-registered to hit a particular year's sales target, but not sold. These will commonly be less than a year old, have less than 10k km on the clock and be about 30% cheaper than their new cost.

Depending on your location, budget and how much you expect to use a car, it's a fine line between renting a car as & when you need one (for £5-£10 a day, for example); compared to buying a car and incurring the depreciation, maintenance, insurance, road tax, etc. costs.

Hope this helps.

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