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where to buy

Posted: Thu May 13, 2021 9:27pm
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Location: Camposol

Joined: 3 Jun 2020

Living in the Canaries. Thinking of Mainland Spain and Camposol catches the eye. In a nutshell where to buy where to avoid we are 64 and 57 respectively and car owners but do like a drink with no car!!

Posted: Fri May 14, 2021 6:33am


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Location: Camposol

Joined: 29 May 2018

Posted: Fri May 14, 2021 6:33am

Camposol is divided into 4 sectors. A and B have bars restaurants and shops. C has a golf course and club house. D consists entirely of dwellings. There is no public transport between the sectors. There is a subscription service transport called Campobus, however this tends to operate during the day. There is a bus service that links A sector with Mazarron and the port and a legal taxi that operates from Condado, a separate urbanisation. 

We live at the very far end of D sector. I have walked from our house to both A sector and B sector, the former taking about 50 to 55 minutes and the latter 35 to 40 minutes. This is not a walk I would recommend in the summer months and instead we have bicycles, which we often use between the sectors and beyond. 

There are many nationalities that live on Camposol. The vast majority are British. Camposol does have its issues, many of them are infrastructure related and result from the developer leaving/being thrown off of the urbanisation before it was completed. Not all roads are complete and lighting is sporadic. The residents of Camposol have a reputation for being helpful and over the years, several groups have been created to improve the lives of residents. 

It would be advisable to come over and rent before buying, so you can see for yourselves an make up own minds. Take a good look round and you will see where the issues exist. One recommendation is to ensure you have an independent lawyer to act for you.

We have lived here for two years and have no intention of moving. We like the peace and quiet of D sector. Wherever you choose to live, good luck with your choice and I hope this info is helpful. If you want to see some of the history, take a look at the Camposol Residents Association website at it is worth joining some of the local Facebook groups such as preguntas y mas and Mazarron news and views. 

If you have any specific questions, please ask and there will plenty of people willing to help.

Good luck

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