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Are the EU negotiators a bunch of bullies

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2018 9:00pm
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I voted to stay in Europe and WAS pro the EU still hope we don't leave but starting to think the EU is behaving like 27 bullies ( driven by two trouble makers) who wants to punish the UK for acting on a democratic vote.  The very thing millions died for.  The very people we came to rescue in two world wars are turning against us in an incredibly nasty way . What do others think ? Do we deserve such hash treatment ? 

frequent flyer

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2018 11:38pm

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Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2018 11:38pm

Has it taken you 2 year's to work that out. ..I voted leave and according to the remain camp most of us are now dead so we should have another (DEMOCRATIC VOTE) what do you think.


Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 1:10pm

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Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 1:10pm

I voted leave too.
The EU cannot let us go, we are too big a contributor, the third largest after Germany and France.
It's not a case of bullying, it's sheer desperation.
If they don't make a big hoo haa about it and we come up smelling of roses then others will without doubt follow (they may do anyway, the collapse of the EU is inevitable).
The undemocratic politicians that want us to keep voting until we make the 'right' decision are pointing out how difficult it is to get a good deal.
I didn't vote for a deal, I voted to leave the EU in it's entirety not pay billions extra as a bribe to allow us to keep trading with them. 
We never voted to join in the first place, who do these clowns think they are? 
If we remain in any way shape or form I will never vote for anything again. It shows how pointless it really is.
We get told voting is the only way to ensure change. That's only true in a democratic country.


Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 1:57pm


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Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 1:57pm

I also voted Leave, however I can understand and am not surprised at the position of the EU, they made it clear that their 4 pillars and the values of the EU would remain unchanged in advance of the Referendum (Cameron got nothing out of them) and once the result was known.

What is more disappointing is the failure of the Remainers to accept the Democratic Result including Senior Cabinet Members, Civil Servants, the Chairman of the B of E et al, who have all failed to face reality and get behind the decision...LEAVE MEANS LEAVE.

We had 6 months of information & misinformation on both sides and ultimately 72% of those who were allowed to vote did so and the decision was to leave (Those who lived outside the UK for more than 15 years SHOULD have had a vote)...there was NO Hard Brexit or Soft was leave and trade is only one aspect of this decision.

We intend to move to Spain so you could say we are being hypocritical, however I was prepared to put the UK 1st and if it impacted our personal be it.... but frankly the UK won`t be the last country to have a Referendum in the next few years.

Think about these 2 points :

Many European countries, including the UK have suffered 10 years of austerity, the EU has continually increased its Budget, ignoring the pain we have had to face while they continually spend....How can that be right ?, that is not Leadership.

The UK has democratically voted to leave, yet the EU are suggesting we hold a 2nd Referendum....How can this be right ? It says everything about their respect for democracy in individual countries..! 

The UK has been a cash cow for a long time as investment has been made in the Eastern bloc and even Turkey at the cost of manufacturing jobs in the UK. 

Finally, the Politicians in the UK can no longer hide behind the EU, they now have to demonstrate real leadership and vision to take the country forward, sadly THEY ARE NOT UP TO IT...!   This if anything is my biggest concern...


Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 4:32pm


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Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 4:32pm

Like many I voted not to join in the first place but, like many in the 1970s, we were led to believe the dream. I believe it was Enoch Powell who said ‘we should remember that the outcome will eventually be a United States of Europe and I don’t think Britain is ready for that’. He was right, we have failed to participate fully in the European  dream and now want out. It is not a case of 27 nations acting like bullies it is the UK wanting the toffee and the h’penny, you can’t have both. Britain never had a Plan B, so confident were the government of remaining in Europe. A Plan B and Britain wouldn’t be floundering with a bunch of incompetents in charge. As the previous poster has said these incompetents now have to prove their worth and, like the previous poster, I fear they are not up to the job.

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Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 8:28pm

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Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 8:28pm

Ginger wrote on Fri Sep 21, 2018 4:32pm:

Like many I voted not to join in the first place but, like many in the 1970s, we were led to believe the dream. I believe it was Enoch Powell who said ‘we should remember that the outcome will eventually be a United States of Europe and I don’t think Britain is ready for that’. He was right...

..., we have failed to participate fully in the European  dream and now want out. It is not a case of 27 nations acting like bullies it is the UK wanting the toffee and the h’penny, you can’t have both. Britain never had a Plan B, so confident were the government of remaining in Europe. A Plan B and Britain wouldn’t be floundering with a bunch of incompetents in charge. As the previous poster has said these incompetents now have to prove their worth and, like the previous poster, I fear they are not up to the job.

Hi Ginger

You didn't vote not to join the EU in the 70's, you voted not to join the common market, a very different thing.
We have been dragged into this mess for many years and it just gets worse as time goes by.
We, the funders of these greedy crooks, have had enough.
As for plan B, they've had plenty of time to sort out a no deal exit, which is what it should be.
May is a remainer, she made David Davies's position untenable.
She has a chancellor who is a remainer.
Davies, Mogg or Johnson should be leader,.May is a pathetic lapdog (unless she is putting on an act and she intended to walk away without a deal from the start). An Oscar is coming her way if so. :-)


Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 9:21pm


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Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 9:21pm

AntB wrote on Thu Sep 20, 2018 9:00pm:

I voted to stay in Europe and WAS pro the EU still hope we don't leave but starting to think the EU is behaving like 27 bullies ( driven by two trouble makers) who wants to punish the UK for acting on a democratic vote.  The very thing millions died for.  T...

...he very people we came to rescue in two world wars are turning against us in an incredibly nasty way . What do others think ? Do we deserve such hash treatment ? 

When i owned a company if my signed off accounts were  not sent in at a certaint time, I was given a warning by companies house, and if I still didn't send them in I would be given notice of a winding up order, in other words shutdown.The eu Havnt had there accounts signed off for19years .Which says there is no control over there accounts ,money wasted ,unaccounted monies to me.Its a insult to compare a circus to this lot of unelected jokers,and one has to ask where is the wasted money going ?


Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 11:01am


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Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 11:01am

Lewie wrote on Fri Sep 21, 2018 8:28pm:

Hi Ginger

You didn't vote not to join the EU in the 70's, you voted not to join the common market, a very different thing.
We have been dragged into this mess for many years and it just gets worse as time goes by.
We, the funders of these greedy crooks, have had enough.
As for plan B, they've had ...

...plenty of time to sort out a no deal exit, which is what it should be.
May is a remainer, she made David Davies's position untenable.
She has a chancellor who is a remainer.
Davies, Mogg or Johnson should be leader,.May is a pathetic lapdog (unless she is putting on an act and she intended to walk away without a deal from the start). An Oscar is coming her way if so. :-)

Yes it was the EEC then but dire warnings had been given as to what it would become - The United States if Europe! The person giving this warning was labelled racist but his forecast was proving to be true. To be honest I have no quarrels with a US of E but it must be United with everyone ‘singing from the same hymn sheet’ and not this picking and choosing. I suppose if I trusted politicians, especially Uk ones, I might feel differently but all I can see are money grabbers lining their own nests, very similar to the EU!

Vista 70

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 12:42pm

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Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 12:42pm

I voted leave for the simple reason, I believe we should be in control of our own country. We are losing it bit by bit with all the European laws we have to abide by. I never voted to ditch Europe as a whole, rather the E.U. Brussels bully boys. I agree, we should now have a firmer hand in charge, someone who firmly believes in "Brexit" and the orderly exit from this shambolic "club" and the only man I can see doing it is Mogg. Davies never really achieved much, probably bound by May and Johnson has made himself a laughing stock by commenting on other issues. How can anyone take the man seriously. The failure by the E.U. to table a counter proposal to any of our deals shows utter contempt for Britain and the people of this country. It's time now to say enough and leave. Find our own deals and hopefully other countries will realise they can do the same.


Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 8:01pm

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Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 8:01pm

Ivor99 wrote on Fri Sep 21, 2018 9:21pm:

When i owned a company if my signed off accounts were  not sent in at a certaint time, I was given a warning by companies house, and if I still didn't send them in I would be given notice of a winding up order, in other words shutdown.The eu Havnt had there accounts signed off for19years .Wh...

...ich says there is no control over there accounts ,money wasted ,unaccounted monies to me.Its a insult to compare a circus to this lot of unelected jokers,and one has to ask where is the wasted money going ?

A different perspective-

Enoch was pre-dated by a few decades with Winston Churchill's Grand-European-Tour Speeches, made throughout the ashes of a war-torn and ravished Europe in 1946/47, drumming-up support for a United Europe from a war-weary and very hesitant France, Germany, Italy and the like! 

Like every sane adult on the planet, back in 1919, he just could not comprehend the sheer scale of endless carnage that had robbed the World of it's "Flower-of-a-Generation" on the Killing-Fields of WWI, and could not fathom the minds so devoid-of-humanity, behind the Munitions-manufacturers and World-Bankers that had promoted it, and vowed that it should NEVER be allowed to happen again. And so, along with a few like-minds, his thoughts turned to a "United Europe" so that it could NEVER happen again. He thought that it could start with Free-Trade throughout, and the free movement of people, money & goods, all building into a UNITED STATES of EUROPE! -Yes, his very words! HE was very concious that there had been a War in Europe EVERY GENERATION for a Millennia, or more, each successive one losing its bravest & boldest, and that it had to STOP! Time for the constant bickerring to stop, to join forces and present a united front to the World: a United Europe!

The International Bankers, Fantastically wealthy Munitions-manafacturers (now all busy diversifying), and their ilk and clans, had other ideas, of course, and constantly sought to undermine peace-initiatives, trade-deals, international co-operation, the `will-of-the-people' and the like, fostering instead Nationalistic, Separatist, Warlike, lynch-mob-like, Divisionery investment & the promotion & sponsering of any & all anti-social activities, appealing to our basist, most crass, primevil instincts, as they STILL try to do!

Not all opposition to a peaceful World comes from the Evil-Rich, of course, but they DO like to fund I think, noisy nationalistic movements, break-up groups, etc, to entice war, & disruption, dissent & resentment, all to further their own personnal wealth-and-power agendas!

So as a working-class Pensioner, having seen bright ideas all too-often snuffed-out by ill-educated, hasty, opinionated, loud-mouthed, rather than really nasti-people, in their frantic-rush to the bottom of the compost-heap-of-Humanity. It is so sad.

For a thousand years we have suffered government by pompous opinionated arrogant pratts, so it shouldn't really be a surprise in these days of social-media-dumb-down that the World-and-his-wife are queing-up to piss in the communal soup, but it is sad!

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