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things that we all can do around the house to still keep in shape

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:46am
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Hi neighbours. How are we all doing during this Lockdown period?  Are we getting enough exercise to get rid of your cars or just sitting around around all day watching the clock tick tocking?  Many things that we all can do around the house to still keep in shape, 

  1. Happy Frogs. Work your legs and get your heart pumping. ...(squatting)
  2. Power Punching. Tone your arms and shoulders while boosting your circulation. ...
  3. Drawbridge. Lie on your back and bend your knees, holding onto your ankles if you can
  4. The planking (that is, a front hold, hover or abdominal bridge). This is an isometric core strength exercise that involves maintaining a position similar to a push-up for the maximum possible time.
  5. like going up and down the stairs many times. If you can manage it, 50 up and 50 down. If you haven't got stairs in your house high enough, then those steps in the garden will do the trick
  6. In place of dumb bells presses, tin of tomato in each hand up and down to loosen your elbow joints. Swiss ball hamstring curl or Triceps dips
  7. Hip raising
  8. Push ups and drops, about 20 if you can manage
  9. Single leg deadlifts
  10. If you can do YOGA, that would be splendid.

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