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Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 9:54pm
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Location: Camposol

Joined: 21 Feb 2019

Although this may sound very strange we would like to thank the Burglars that recently stole all of our valuables, it made us realize how stupid and venerable we and the rest of the owners of holiday villas really are on Camposol at the moment.

When only coming over for a few weeks at a time why bring more cash than you can spend, why wear expensive jewelry that others want to steal, why not grill all off your windows making it harder to break in without making a noise, and why not have cameras and alarms so that all they can steal is your television which is then recorded for the police to use in evidence.

We praise the Lord that they run away when we entered the house when the noise woke us up or without a doubt I would now be either in hospital or in prison for assault or even pre-meditated second degree murder.

Obviously the scum that burgled us are not educated enough to appreciate the following input, but if you know them as someone who reads this post obviously does please explain.

Matthew 6:13

Luke 23:34

Romans 12:19 

Please share on as many posts as you can.

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