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Taxi services offered by expats to expats

Posted: Thu Sep 1, 2016 6:36am
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Watching the many expats charging for taking people to and from the Airports

This is fraught with danger for all parties, an accident You are not insured (driver)

You have an accident you are injured you are not insured  (passenger)

At present the Police are stopping cars outside both our local Airports and asking for details of the people in car, The passengers are told to say they are friends by the driver, the police question both parties apart easily catching differing details, The Fines are horrendous for both parties.

Why take a chance there is little difference if any in price and even if you do not speak Spanish AIRPORT, pretty international language

A expat Taxi was stopped by the police at San Javier last year it had come from Camposol the driver was arrested the car was inpounded and the people had to go to the police station they missed their flight, apparently we were told that the difference in price was 10 euros (the licensed taxi was cheaper)

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