Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2023 12:38pm
The thing is you have to weigh up everything, not just the cost of food and beer/wine.
Council tax/IBI - we pay €195/year, back in the UK, it was nearly that per month.
Electricity - our February winter fuel bill (all our fuel usage is electricity), using electricity to power inverter AC units for heating was €80 - I suspect in the UK it would be a fraction higher!
Shopping - you can shop around and some food products are more expensive here and some are cheaper. I think supermarket quality here tends to be better than in the UK, obviously depends on what you buy. If you must buy the brands you use in the UK then you are going to get stung. Our average bill for 2 people is €80-85 per week. That is buying everything from either Mercadona, Aldi or Lidl including alcohol (sometimes lol). Alcohol - beer is cheap, wine is dirt cheap, bottled water is very cheap.
You can still get a menu del dia for under €12pp including beer/soft drink or a bottle of wine - so it is a pretty good deal still.
Then of course, you have that orange ball in the sky - that is free of charge and in plentiful supply - something you cannot say of UK (most of the time). We live on the coast and have a wonderful sea view from our balcony. What price for that?