Are there any updates on the re opening of the local social in Isla Plana please.
Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2020 1:41pm
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I'm told there is no sign of it reopening in the near future. People tend to socialise in the Anchor bar on the Main st or La Maison
Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2020 12:59pm
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Actually there appears to be no sign of it re-opening according to Murcia Today
Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2020 10:56am
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I'm hoping common sense will prevail and it'll be open again by the Spring. It was/is a great asset for the community.
Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2020 5:37pm
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Let's all hope it returns soon
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It would seem to be another illustration of Spain's ridiculous bureaucracy where the supposed crime is far outweighed by the punishment to the detriment of local tourism.
(think of the demolition of villas because they were deemed to be built illegally or on illegal land) All this sort of thing clouds peoples view of Spain and has echoes of its past.
Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2020 1:48am
I like both the Ancla and El Meson but there is "something" about the local social isn't there. I find it a total chill out.
Posted: Sun Feb 2, 2020 5:37pm
Have also heard that the Buena Vista social, on way to Mazarrón, is due to close—- permanently at the end of February. That’s another loss of a great meeting place. They are killing the local social scene. Jaz
Posted: Sun Feb 2, 2020 8:46pm
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But to keep it open and solvent needs customers, the busy time’s have to carry the times of few customers. Remember many local properties are either second homes or rentals, empty for much of the year. An ideal solution would be to turn it into a ‘Club’ with an annual subscription and membership card, if people are not in Isla Plana full time then they must be signed in by a full-time member or pay a Visitors membership of x euros per week. The WMC concept of northern England, remember thus was a fisherman’s bar before being taken over by others.
Posted: Sun Feb 2, 2020 10:15pm
Helpful member
I was given to understand that they are exactly that. Social Clubs. They were never meant to be profit making. And the one in Isla Plana was very well supported and was completely solvent. There may have been some issues with the running of the place and it is very slow to be resolved. But that’s Spain for you!!
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