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Wearing of face masks - Page 5

Posted: Mon Aug 3, 2020 5:36pm

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Posted: Mon Aug 3, 2020 5:36pm

Tony1948 wrote on Mon Aug 3, 2020 5:02pm:

Just take a look at the USA 150,000 + dead and there are many more to come.

That is the result of a chaotic approach to managing the disease and the fact that a great number of Americans are utterly clueless and ignorant.



Some people will have the virus and have NO symptoms. They are dangerous.
Some people will have the virus and only suffer mild effects. They are also dangerous.

Some people will have the virus, suffer badly but survive. They will have damaged systems from which they will suffer for the rest of their lives. They are the endangered!

Some people will have the virus, suffer very badly and die. They are also the endangered.

Wear the mask to protect the endangered. You do NOT know whether or not you are a carrier. 

Hey Tony.Are you a fatalist?

You can do as you wish.
As will I.
All this hiding nonsense will get us nowhere.
There will be more viruses and if we don't build immunity they will be here far longer.
Assuming it's a'natural' virus, it will carry on infecting.
Are you going to hide behind a mask for the rest of your life?

You're right about one thing.
We don't know who's got it, who hasn't blah blah, and neither do the so called experts.
Stop the ifs buts and what ifs and get on with life.
Most of the 'believers' are fatalists yet it is these same folk that are scared of everything from flying to viruses.
It makes no sense.
If you believe in fate you should be scared of nothing.

I'm in the so called 'high risk' category (low immune system from meds) but I see no point hiding.
If I catch it, so be it, if I die the upside is I won't be here to see all the freaks walking the streets!!!!

Posted: Mon Aug 3, 2020 5:55pm


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Posted: Mon Aug 3, 2020 5:55pm

Lewie wrote on Mon Aug 3, 2020 5:36pm:

Hey Tony.Are you a fatalist?

You can do as you wish.
As will I.
All this hiding nonsense will get us nowhere.
There will be more viruses and if we don't build immunity they will be here far longer.
Assuming it's a'natural' virus, it will carry on infecting.
Are you going to hide...



... behind a mask for the rest of your life?

You're right about one thing.
We don't know who's got it, who hasn't blah blah, and neither do the so called experts.
Stop the ifs buts and what ifs and get on with life.
Most of the 'believers' are fatalists yet it is these same folk that are scared of everything from flying to viruses.
It makes no sense.
If you believe in fate you should be scared of nothing.

I'm in the so called 'high risk' category (low immune system from meds) but I see no point hiding.
If I catch it, so be it, if I die the upside is I won't be here to see all the freaks walking the streets!!!!


I'm a First Responder. Continuous training with 40+ years of experience. You? 

Hmmm..Just think.

For the acquired immunity thing to work and we don't yet know if it will, 10,000's have to die.

Our only real hope of a solution is a vaccine.

In the meantime, WEAR THE F**KING MASK.

Posted: Mon Aug 3, 2020 5:58pm


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Posted: Mon Aug 3, 2020 5:58pm

Lewie wrote on Mon Aug 3, 2020 5:18pm:

No, we can't!
You still use the figures that look the most dramatic.
What is this obsession with Scandanavia?
My original comparison was with Sweden and other countries that opted for 'lock down'.
You ignore my figures regarding Sweden and the UK.
We had drama lock down and we have...



... faired worse than Sweden.

You ignore the figures that show we, after paranoid lock down, have over 100 more deaths per milion folk than Sweden.
It's worked really well huh?

London is doing badly because as stated, it's a sh*t hole and needs razing to the ground.

Those that only follow the media only hear one side of so called expert advice.
There are plenty that say masks are a bad idea, that such a drastic lock down was a bad idea but they aren't allowed on mainstream tv.
It isn't dramatic enough.
Please don't do anything to protect me.
If folk wish to keep their distance then I must respect their individual wishes but I have and will carry on with life as normally as this paranoia will allow.
One day it may come out that all this has done more harm than good.
Then you will be the guilty party!
We can leave it at that if you wish. :-)

Your attitude sucks

The problem is, people may die because of you and others like you that hold such views.

Posted: Mon Aug 3, 2020 6:00pm


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Posted: Mon Aug 3, 2020 6:00pm

This is a highly transmissible virus and most of us will be eventually exposed to it.

But you need to consider that time is an important factor.

As more is known about COVID-19, the mortality rates are already dropping, with useful treatment such as dexamethasone becoming standard hospital front line treatment. 

With myriad treatment trials underway, new effective treatment will become standard so people infected in 2021 will much less likely to die than those who became infected in 2020.

With enormous efforts around the world, it is quite likely that a double shot vaccine will provide at least 70% protection in 2021.

Therefore, there is absolutely no doubt that any reduction in transmission in 2020 will save lives.

Please pause and advise of an error in that line of reasoning. 

If you cannot show why that is invalid, then don't you think that it would be a bit disappointing to contract COVID 19 and die in 2020, when in 2021 the same exposure would not have the same outcome?

Therefore, I will wear a mask to protect you and everyone else from me.

I hope you will do the same for me and everyone else?

Posted: Mon Aug 3, 2020 6:17pm


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Posted: Mon Aug 3, 2020 6:17pm

Roberto30710 wrote on Mon Aug 3, 2020 6:00pm:

This is a highly transmissible virus and most of us will be eventually exposed to it.

But you need to consider that time is an important factor.



As more is known about COVID-19, the mortality rates are already dropping, with useful treatment such as dexamethasone becoming standard hospital front line treatment. 

With myriad treatment trials underway, new effective treatment will become standard so people infected in 2021 will much less likely to die than those who became infected in 2020.

With enormous efforts around the world, it is quite likely that a double shot vaccine will provide at least 70% protection in 2021.

Therefore, there is absolutely no doubt that any reduction in transmission in 2020 will save lives.

Please pause and advise of an error in that line of reasoning. 

If you cannot show why that is invalid, then don't you think that it would be a bit disappointing to contract COVID 19 and die in 2020, when in 2021 the same exposure would not have the same outcome?

Therefore, I will wear a mask to protect you and everyone else from me.

I hope you will do the same for me and everyone else?


First class post.

Thank you.

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Posted: Mon Aug 3, 2020 7:43pm

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Posted: Mon Aug 3, 2020 7:43pm

I'm a realist and a fair bit more rational than you going by your lack of self control.
Stop dictating.
As it happens I'm exempt from wearing a mask but that's beside the point.
As for 'First Responder', so what? Does that make you special?
It's a career you chose to take and no more needed than a toilet cleaner.
That's yet another ridiculous part of this nonsense.
NHS workers getting applause, jumping queues, money off here and there!!
Many folk carried on working and many more wanted to.
How do you think they felt standing queueing at the end of a hard week watching folk waving their special card and waltzing past them?
My wife has an NHS card but refused to use it to jump queues. I'm pretty sure my daughter didn't use hers either.
They realise they are nothing special, just humans.
My other daughter had to work from home and her job is to arrange maintenance of vulnerable peoples homes.
Just as needed as a doctors receptionist or a nurse or a First Responder.
Did she get to jump queues or get discounts? No, don't be silly, no drama to be had there.
You on the other hand obviously think you are special.
You also are one of the many sheep that follow blindly without a second thought.
In the UK children under 11 don't have to wear a mask. WHAT? So the virus is ageist as well?
The whole thing is pathetic.
In Scotland, the little dwarf implements rules one or two days later than in England so she can pretend she's in charge.
Dominic Cummings tells us to stay in then drives 40 miles to test his sight and keeps his job.
Footballers allowed to play, tackling and spitting away.
The list goes on and you still take notice of these clowns!
I'll take my chance and carry on living (for now). :-)

Posted: Mon Aug 3, 2020 7:49pm

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Posted: Mon Aug 3, 2020 7:49pm

Roberto30710 wrote on Mon Aug 3, 2020 6:00pm:

This is a highly transmissible virus and most of us will be eventually exposed to it.

But you need to consider that time is an important factor.



As more is known about COVID-19, the mortality rates are already dropping, with useful treatment such as dexamethasone becoming standard hospital front line treatment. 

With myriad treatment trials underway, new effective treatment will become standard so people infected in 2021 will much less likely to die than those who became infected in 2020.

With enormous efforts around the world, it is quite likely that a double shot vaccine will provide at least 70% protection in 2021.

Therefore, there is absolutely no doubt that any reduction in transmission in 2020 will save lives.

Please pause and advise of an error in that line of reasoning. 

If you cannot show why that is invalid, then don't you think that it would be a bit disappointing to contract COVID 19 and die in 2020, when in 2021 the same exposure would not have the same outcome?

Therefore, I will wear a mask to protect you and everyone else from me.

I hope you will do the same for me and everyone else?

Yes yes and yes.
I understand all the figures.
Noone has a clue if they are correct or how it will pan out.
If if if if, remember the old saying?
If sh*t was cheese we'd all be constipated.
I go back to 'global warming'.
No I don't save water, go out of my way to recycle (that's another joke) or any of the other nonsense.
It's all speculation and as stated previously, I'm here now, I live now.
I could die in my sleep tonight, who knows?
It wont matter, I'll be dead.

Posted: Mon Aug 3, 2020 7:51pm


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Posted: Mon Aug 3, 2020 7:51pm

Lewie wrote on Mon Aug 3, 2020 7:43pm:

I'm a realist and a fair bit more rational than you going by your lack of self control.
Stop dictating.
As it happens I'm exempt from wearing a mask but that's beside the point.
As for 'First Responder', so what? Does that make you special?
It's a career you chose to take and n...



...o more needed than a toilet cleaner.
That's yet another ridiculous part of this nonsense.
NHS workers getting applause, jumping queues, money off here and there!!
Many folk carried on working and many more wanted to.
How do you think they felt standing queueing at the end of a hard week watching folk waving their special card and waltzing past them?
My wife has an NHS card but refused to use it to jump queues. I'm pretty sure my daughter didn't use hers either.
They realise they are nothing special, just humans.
My other daughter had to work from home and her job is to arrange maintenance of vulnerable peoples homes.
Just as needed as a doctors receptionist or a nurse or a First Responder.
Did she get to jump queues or get discounts? No, don't be silly, no drama to be had there.
You on the other hand obviously think you are special.
You also are one of the many sheep that follow blindly without a second thought.
In the UK children under 11 don't have to wear a mask. WHAT? So the virus is ageist as well?
The whole thing is pathetic.
In Scotland, the little dwarf implements rules one or two days later than in England so she can pretend she's in charge.
Dominic Cummings tells us to stay in then drives 40 miles to test his sight and keeps his job.
Footballers allowed to play, tackling and spitting away.
The list goes on and you still take notice of these clowns!
I'll take my chance and carry on living (for now). :-)

My, my aren't you the desperate little attention seeker.

Posted: Mon Aug 3, 2020 7:51pm


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Posted: Mon Aug 3, 2020 7:51pm

name calling a politician who is trying her best only reflects on a nasty mind

Posted: Mon Aug 3, 2020 8:12pm


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Posted: Mon Aug 3, 2020 8:12pm


I take it that Yes, Yes, Yes means yo you can't find any error in this logic


'As more is known about COVID-19, the mortality rates are already dropping, with useful treatment such as dexamethasone becoming standard hospital front line treatment. 

With myriad treatment trials underway, new effective treatment will become standard so people infected in 2021 will much less likely to die than those who became infected in 2020.

With enormous efforts around the world, it is quite likely that a double shot vaccine will provide at least 70% protection in 2021.

Therefore, there is absolutely no doubt that any reduction in transmission in 2020 will save lives.

Please pause and advise of an error in that line of reasoning. 

If you cannot show why that is invalid, then don't you think that it would be a bit disappointing to contract COVID 19 and die in 2020, when in 2021 the same exposure would not have the same outcome?

Therefore, I will wear a mask to protect you and everyone else from me.

I hope you will do the same for me and everyone else?


So what you effectively saying is that, you dont want to agree to a sensible course of action and discuss the subject rationally, you just want to splash the water and yell look at me, as Tony has suggested above.

I trust then that anyone reading this thread, will understand that and ignore your comments.

As I will now do.

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