I have pondered on the prospect of moving to Spain for a number of years, which wasn't possible until now. However I am almost of pension age and wonder if it is still a viable and safe prospect. I'm currently in good health but wonder what medical support is available in the event of!
I am now single and do not have any children and so as a single person moving to a new country wonder what is available socially to older people and how easy is it to meet and make new friends. I am in the process of learning spanish and currently could get by with basic phrases.
I have been looking at properties for some time but without actually being there I cannot envisage what area would be suitable for someone in my position ie moving on my own. I would like to embrace the spanish culture and lifestyle but not be too far from social events and meeting people with similar interests.
Strangely, something that is worrying to me is with regard to animal welfare. Animals are a great passion of mine (probably from being childless!) and abhor any type of cruelty. Having holidayed in Spain many times (not so much in recent years though) I remember seeing many strays and sometimes cruelty. I know it is a strange question to ask but is that still prevalent?
Any tips or general help with regard to moving to Spain for a person of a certain age would be very much appreciated.
Many thanks